10 best popular recipes for parasites

how to get rid of parasites by folk remedies

By parasites we mean helminths or parasitic worms, their larvae that live in the human body. For a helminth, such coexistence is the only way to exist and reproduce, but a person suffers from it.

How parasites enter the body

Worm infection (helminthic infestation) is a dangerous disease for humans. The host body provides nutrients, vitamins and essential elements to the parasites, and itself acquires health problems. Roundworms and human worms eat the host food from the intestines, or absorb proteins, fats and carbohydrates from it.

Helminths deprive a person of vitamins, trace elements: they take vitamins A and C from food, and if they are missing, they absorb them from organs and tissues. Deer worms suck blood through the walls of the human intestine. Helminths that live in the intestines damage the walls due to the fact that they are attached with the help of the oral cavity with teeth. As a result, those beneficial and essential substances used by the host are used for the growth and development of parasites.

Helminths secrete substances called toxoids that are foreign to the human body. Dysbacteriosis, eating disorders associated with bloating, diarrhea and pain arise from toxoids in the gut. In the lungs, toxoids cause asthma attacks, coughing.

When there is a general understanding of the dangers of helminths in the human body, it becomes clear that it is necessary to treat parasites in the human body. Helminths are secreted by medicine or by folk methods. Pharmacy drugs that relieve worms are toxic and have contraindications. Therefore, turn to them when there are many parasites in the body. In the initial stage of infection, folk remedies for parasites in the human body will give the result.

Folk remedies for parasites and medicines will not fix the problem forever. Once treated, a person will become infected again if they neglect the rules of personal hygiene, treat food poorly and have contact with patients. The reason is the "circulation" of parasites in nature. Parasitic worms live in the bodies of animals, fish and humans. Females lay about 240, 000 eggs every day. Parasite eggs enter food processing products and are released into the environment.

reasons for the appearance of parasites in the human body

The shell of the helminth's eggs consists of three layers, it is resistant to temperatures down to -20 ° C, chlorine. The larvae in the egg may be in a "frozen" state up to 1 year before the onset of favorable conditions. Ascaris, peg worms, toxocara, fat worms are fatal to eggs - temperatures from 60 ° C, direct sunlight, ultraviolet light, dehydration. At 70 ° C, the eggs are destroyed in 10 seconds.

In the warm season, entering the soil, the larva develops and matures. Through unwashed hands, vegetables and fruits, contaminated water, parasite eggs enter the intestines, where the membrane dissolves under the influence of fluids and the larva emerges. Eggs of bovine tapeworms, roundworms travel through the circulatory system of animals and fish and can enter the human body through uncooked meat or fish.

Symptoms of parasites in the body

  • increases appetite, desire to eat sweets. Parasitic worms feel uncomfortable in acidic and bitter environments;
  • poor condition of hair, skin, nails, as vitamins and trace elements absorb helminths;
  • intoxication of the body, which manifests itself as lack of appetite, nausea, general weakness of the human body due to toxins secreted by parasites;
  • allergy to toxoids, which appears on the skin in the form of redness, itching and inflammation;
  • itching in the anus, which occurs at night when female parasites lay eggs in the anus;
  • intestinal dysbiosis, frequent bloating, diarrhea, pain;
  • weakened immunity and low resistance to disease, as parasites secrete cytakine substances that suppress the body's defenses;
  • sudden weight change. An infected person does not always lose weight, he can start to gain weight, as helminths absorb vitamins, trace elements and proteins, leaving the owners harmful substances.

Diagnosis of infection with parasitic worms is made on the basis of analysis of feces, blood, ultrasound examination of organs. The accuracy of the stool analysis is inferior to the blood test, the accuracy of which is 90%. Identification of parasites from the blood consists in the detection of antibodies to substances released during the life of helminths. Antibodies determine the type of parasite, the number of individuals in the body, and the duration of the infection.

Traditional recipes and remedies for parasites

Popular recipes for parasites are inferior in effectiveness and speed to medicines, but safer for the body. Plants sold in pharmacies are used as "weapons".

Garlic juice

Garlic contains phytoncides - substances used by plants to protect against pathogenic microorganisms and protozoa. Phytoncides kill parasites. Garlic juice is used for treatment. Take three times a day, starting with five drops and increasing to 15 ml.

Wormwood tincture

herbal tinctures to remove parasites from the body

Wormwood, like garlic, contains phytoncides and fights parasites. For treatment, a solution is used: 1 tablespoon of wormwood is poured into 100 ml. alcohol and infusion for two weeks. Drink the finished tincture half an hour before meals, 20 drops 3 times a day.

Ground pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds help remove parasites from the body thanks to curcumin. The substance paralyzes the body of the parasitic worm, depriving it of the ability to attach to the intestinal wall. 300 grams of peeled pumpkin seeds are ground and mixed with water or honey in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach in small sips. For three hours, you should abstain from food, and then drink a laxative.

Chanterelle Tincture

Chanterelles are rarely infested with worms. The body of the fungus contains chitinomannose, a substance that kills worms and eggs. Chitinomannosis is destroyed by thermal treatment of the fungus, so a solution is used for treatment.

  1. Add fresh mushrooms with vodka and leave for two weeks.
  2. Drink a teaspoon at night.

Tansy Seed Infusion and Powder

Tansy is added to alcoholic beverages to add specific bitterness and flavor. The plant owes this property to the substance ketone thujone. Thujon is toxic to humans in high doses, so cleansing against parasites with folk remedies using tansy requires care. Overdose causes seizures and brain damage. In small doses, entering the intestines, the substance paralyzes the helminth's body and the worm loses its ability to attach to the walls of the organ. For treatment, a solution or decoction is prepared.

For infusion, add 2 tablespoons of dried tansy flowers with 1 liter of water and leave for 1 hour:

folk remedies for parasites in the body
  • adults take the infusion three times a day, half a glass before meals;
  • For children, the dosage is not more than 1 tablespoon.

Stronger than infusion powder from tansy seeds. It contains an increased concentration of thujone and is not absorbed in the stomach, but reaches the intestine and accumulates in it. Tansy powder is taken twice daily before meals:

  • adults 1 teaspoon;
  • children, half a teaspoon.

Garnet Bark

Pomegranate is the only fruit that contains jelly, a natural substance that kills all types of worms. Pelterina is officially recognized as an anthelmintic drug and exterminates parasites at a concentration of 0. 01%. To get rid of worms, an infusion is prepared.

  1. Fill 50 grams of fresh pomegranate peel with 400 ml. boiling water and leave for 6 hours.
  2. Boil the infusion until the volume is halved.

Treatment of parasites with folk remedies using pomegranate peels is carried out according to the following scheme: an infected person drinks the infusion in small sips for an hour and takes a laxative after 30 minutes. The next 4 hours are held without food and drink. The procedure ends with a cleansing enema.

Walnut infusions

Essential oil - eugenol, which contains the fruits and leaves of walnuts, is not tolerated by parasitic worms: the oil is harmful to eggs. Use ripe and unripe fruits, pericarp and leaves for cleaning. Prepare a solution from roasted walnut kernels:

  1. Leave a spoonful of chopped kernels in a glass of wine for up to 3 weeks.
  2. Take tincture up to 5 times a day, 3-5 tablespoons before meals.


The action of cloves on parasites is similar to the action of nuts due to their eugenol content. The concentration of eugenol in cloves is 85%. To clean the parasites with folk remedies using cloves, a decoction is used:

  1. 5 Pour a glass of boiling water over the dried clove powder, heat in a water bath for 1 minute, then leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Take a decoction of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before eating.

Freshly prepared clove soup should be taken as eugenol evaporates from it.

Carrot juice

Carrots contain a complex of substances that have a detrimental effect on parasitic worms and parasitic fungi: flavonoids, falcarinol, falcardinol. The seeds and yeast contain germacrene-D, geraniol, asarone-E, quercetin and kaempferol - substances that destroy tapeworms at the cellular level and whose action on parasites has been proven by science. Since the highest concentration of anthelmintic substances is in the seeds, they will be most effective in treatment. Take 1-3 grams. chopped carrot seeds before meals 3-5 times a day with water.

Ginger root tincture

Ginger root contains cineol, geaniol and vanillic acid - substances that are not tolerated by parasitic worms. Traditional methods for parasites use a ginger root tincture, prepared according to the recipe:

  1. 500 grams of puree root, pour 500 ml of vodka and leave for 15 days, shaking occasionally.
  2. Take tincture half an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon three times a day.

It will be possible to get rid of folk remedies from helminths in combination with the observance of sanitary norms and rules for processing products. Fry and cook with meat and fish, wash vegetables and fruits. When one family member is infected, the likelihood of infection for the rest increases. Avoid washing hands, household items, washing sheets and towels at 50-90 ° C with ironing. Rules should always be followed as a preventative measure, as the symptoms of the parasitic infection do not appear clearly and a person can live for years and not suspect infection.